Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Another great day. A short ride through town, we arrived at the Citadel. Reminds me a lot of the Forbidden City in Beijing. Same set up just not nearly as large, thank goodness as it gets pretty boring. Right now the Vietnamese are getting ready for the Lunar New Year so everything is decorated with flowers. The new year flower here is symbolized by the apricot tree. Beautiful yellow flowers. ACtually, everything is "bonzaied" in pots all over the city and flowering all different colors and shapes and sizes. I guess its a great time to see Vietnam. Anyway, place is old, an king's city surrounded by moat and along a river. Blah, blah, blah.

After Citadel we went to an orphanage that is one of the things supported by the foundation of my travel company, OAT. I was very worried how this would affect me, but it was wonderful. It is run by Buddhist nuns and houses children from a few weeks until they are ready to make their way in the world and complete college/university. The place was lovely and clean and happy and peaceful. The children all held hands and the older children held the babies. Like a family. Just lots of them. I brought them some school supplies and taught them how to play Toss Up, which I left behind. They were delighted. Lunch was at another monastary and was completely vegetarian, prepared by the nuns. Hearty and delicious. Funny side note, they say the buddhist's need to take a vow of eating vegetarian and sleeping vegetarian. Meaning they can't eat meat or have sex. Thought that was a funny way to express it.

I actually just got back from a great bike ride around the city and citadel and am using this time to write and decompress. Was quite an adventure to bicycle here, and certainly not relaxing. Bike was quite rickety and the throngs of motor bikes, etc. is very stressful. You don't ever stop or even pause and no sudden movements. Everyone just sort of flows around eachother with lots of horn beeping. And the fumes are overwhelming. I could only ride for an hour before I felt dirty and that I had enough. I did include a picture of myself riding over a bridge with all the traffic. Stupid, but I wanted to capture the moment as best I could.

Leaving in the morning for Hoi An.

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