Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Melun and Vaux le Vicomte

Biking this ,orning was so stressful because we kept thinking it was going to pour rain on us.  It wa much warmer than it has been, but the wind is stronger and the sky is really churning the clouds around.  At one point I thought th wind was going to stop me in my tracks and start pushing me backwards.  Luckily, it just drizzled on us for a few minutes.

We biked about 4 hours today to Vaux le Vicomte which is a chateau built in the 17th Century by Nicola Fouquet.  The name Vaux le Vicomte means Valleys of the Viscount or nobility.  It was built in only 5 years and has quite an interesting story and history.  The builder, Fouquet was the Minister of Finance for France.  He was very wealthy and loved the arts.  He hired all the known artists of all kinds to create this masterpiece palace.  Upon completion, he invited the King (Louis XIV) to a great feast to impress him with the chateau, gardens, artwork, food, theater, fireworks!!!  The king came and was so jealous of this spectacular place that he arrested Fouquette and he never lived in the chateau, dying in prison.

I am in the library now and they are closing.  Will try to finish ,ore to,orrow.

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